Como comunidad, abordemos el problema del suicidio con franqueza y fortaleza

Oconee County Library 501 West South Broad Street, Walhalla, SC, United States

Unase a nosotros para tener una charla franca y abierta acerca del suicidio. Hablaremos acerca de la prevalencia del suicidio en nuestra comunidad. Cómo podemos apoyar a los que batallan con problemas de salud mental. Exploraremos varias maneras de cuidar de nuestra propia salud mental. Gratis y abierto a todos, pero solamente en español. Ages 18+

Event Series Yoga

Yoga Class

Oconee County Library 501 West South Broad Street, Walhalla, SC, United States

Calm your mind and body with yoga in this class suitable for people with any level of ability. Wear comfortable clothes and bring your mat. A few mats will be available to borrow and the class can be adapted to a chair for those unable to get down on the floor. Registration is required as space is limited. Ages 12+

Currently full Free

Event Series Yoga

Yoga Class

Oconee County Library 501 West South Broad Street, Walhalla, SC, United States

Calm your mind and body with yoga in this class suitable for people with any level of ability. Wear comfortable clothes and bring your mat. A few mats will be available to borrow and the class can be adapted to a chair for those unable to get down on the floor. Registration is required as space is limited. Ages 12+

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