Squishmallow Scavenger Hunt
Westminster Library 112 West North Avenue, Westminster, SC, United StatesCome search the library for clues to solve our Squishmallow riddle and win a prize! All ages
Come search the library for clues to solve our Squishmallow riddle and win a prize! All ages
The Friends of the Library advocate for the Oconee County Public Library and raise funds used to purchase books (printed, audio and e-books) and other audio-visual materials and library furnishings and supplies. Used book sales include adult fiction & non-fiction, young adult, picture books — and more!
Your vote matters. Register today!
***Today's program is cancelled due to weather. We will reschedule to a later date. Contact bcastro@oconeesc.com if you have any questions.*** Paint a whimsical floral canvas that looks pretty during the day and glows at night! Registration is required and opens on September 12. Ages 18+
Come search the library for clues to solve our Squishmallow riddle and win a prize! All ages
Test your knowledge of Taylor Swift's discography in this Swiftie showdown. For the full experience, be sure to bring a web-connected mobile device. Registration is optional. Ages 16+
Want something to do to wind down, relax, and celebrate the new fall season? Bring your family and friends to our fall rock painting program. Registration is not required. Program will be held in the Salem Community Center. Ages 4+.
Bigfoot heard a lot of people were coming to Westminster for the South Carolina Bigfoot Festival (Oct. 11-12) so he has decided to hide at the library! Search and find a (paper) Bigfoot to win a prize! All ages
Are you struggling with your technical device? Each Tuesday between 2:00-3:00 PM, bring your Kindle, iPad, smart phone, laptop, or other device and we will assist you to the best of our abilities. Availability is on a first come, first serve basis.
Learn to paint a ghostly scene during this guided program. All materials will be provided. Registration is required! Ages 16 and up.
Bigfoot heard a lot of people were coming to Westminster for the South Carolina Bigfoot Festival (Oct. 11-12) so he has decided to hide at the library! Search and find a (paper) Bigfoot to win a prize! All ages
This program will be offered in English and espanol! Ranger Liz discusses the cultural and ecological significance of the Monarch Butterfly. Learn how these delicate, yet rugged, creatures have influenced cultures with their remarkable 2000 mile migration. Learn how to tag monarchs and join conservation efforts as a citizen scientist. All ages. Ranger Liz habla sobre la importancia cultural y ecológica de la mariposa monarca. Descubra cómo estas criaturas delicadas ... Read More