Relationships can be confusing. Dating relationships while a teen can be especially confusing! Join us to talk about what qualities make a healthy relationship. We’ll discuss red flags, green flags and how to make choices that keep you happy and safe. Ages 12+
Paint and Learn: Medicare 101
Paint while you listen to an informative session by a licensed insurance agent who will describe the features of Medicare, including the changes brought about by the Prescription Inflation Reduction Act. Ages 18+
Questions on Medicare for 2025?
Come to the library to learn more about Medicare in 2025 from a local financial representative. Ages 18+
Como comunidad, abordemos el problema del suicidio con franqueza y fortaleza
Unase a nosotros para tener una charla franca y abierta acerca del suicidio. Hablaremos acerca de la prevalencia del suicidio en nuestra comunidad. Cómo podemos apoyar a los que batallan con problemas de salud mental. Exploraremos varias maneras de cuidar de nuestra propia salud mental. Gratis y abierto a todos, pero solamente en español. Ages 18+
Mobile Clean of Heart Showers
The Mobile Clean of Heart free showers will be open and available to all. Towels and soap will be provided. All Ages